Chris Buck - Rock & Soul: A Comprehensive Guitar Mastery Course

Immerse yourself in the electrifying world of guitar techniques with our exclusive online course, "Chris Buck - Rock & Soul". This exceptional guitar tutorial series by the renowned guitarist Chris Buck is tailored to enhance your guitar skills through a blend of advanced techniques and soulful playing. Perfect for intermediate to advanced players, this course offers a detailed exploration into the nuances of rock and soul guitar, fostering a deeper musical expression.

Exploring Advanced Guitar Techniques

Multistep Bending

The course begins with a deep dive into multistep bending, a technique that allows you to bend the strings several steps up from their original pitch, creating an expressive, vocal-like sound. This technique, demonstrated expertly by Chris Buck, enriches your soloing capabilities, giving you the tools to evoke stronger emotions through your guitar playing. By mastering multistep bending, viewers can significantly enhance their expressive range and add a unique touch to their guitar solos.

Pick vs. Fingers

Another key focus of the course is the strategic use of both pick and fingers to produce a variety of tonal qualities. This segment explores how alternating between a pick and fingerstyle playing can affect dynamics and articulation, providing versatility in your performances. Learning to switch seamlessly between these methods offers practical benefits in both live performances and studio settings, enabling a richer, more textured sound.

Incorporating Your Thumb

Chris Buck also teaches how to incorporate the thumb into your playing technique, which is pivotal for extending your reach and mastering more complex fretboard movements. This approach not only facilitates easier access to bass notes but also enhances chordal richness and rhythmic variety in your playing.

Repeating Yourself

The concept of repetition as a musical device is explored thoroughly. Chris Buck demonstrates how repeating phrases can build tension and release in your music, creating memorable and catchy solos. This technique is vital for making your playing more engaging and effective at capturing the listener's attention.

Performance Integration

The Power of Performance

Each lesson is capped with a performance by Chris Buck, where he integrates these techniques in a musical context. Viewing these performances allows students to see the practical application of each technique in a live setting, enhancing understanding and retention. It illustrates the transformation of technical exercises into emotive musical expression, providing a clear roadmap from practice to performance.

This performance aspect is crucial as it bridges the gap between learning a technique and using it expressively in real musical scenarios. It also provides inspiration and a benchmark for students to aspire to, showcasing the subtle nuances that make a professional performance stand out.


"Chris Buck - Rock & Soul" is not just a guitar course—it's a journey into the heart of modern rock and soul music. Through Chris Buck's expert guidance, you will unlock new levels of guitar proficiency and expressive potential. Whether you're looking to refine your technical skills or breathe new life into your musical performances, this course stands as an invaluable resource.

Guitar Techniques Used in the Lessons

Here is a list of some of the guitar techniques covered in this course:

This comprehensive course ensures that every student can learn at their pace, gradually building confidence and expertise. Join us at to discover the art and soul of guitar with Chris Buck.

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Chris Buck

"I think I knew pretty early on"" laughs British guitarist Chris Buck. ""That first moment of being able to replicate what was coming out of my old man's stereo had a big effect on me. I've wanted to be a musician ever since"". Fast forward ten years and Chris, finds...

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